Wildscapes: Exploring the boundless terrains of Alberta and Saskatchewan – Kendel Kinahan 

Wildscapes: Exploring the boundless terrains of Alberta and Saskatchewan – Kendel Kinahan 

Wildscapes: Exploring the boundless terrains of Alberta and Saskatchewan – Kendel Kinahan

The vast prairies. Stunning, boundless, tamed and wild all at once. And still, there is so much more. Have you ever driven through Alberta or Saskatchewan and found yourself shocked into a state of awe by some unexpected moment of beauty? From mountains to badlands, sand dunes to forest: this is what this body of work explores.

My intent is to share the raw beauty that surrounds us. Digging deeper into stillness in all of the motion — and movement in the most quiet of places. I’m intrigued by the ever changing nature of landscapes. The fact that the same view is always evolving, due to season, light, or weather. What an honour to capture a scene at that particular moment in time.

My process includes utilizing my personal photographic practice for reference, as well as seeking outside creative influences in all mediums to inspire my paintings. Leaning into the feelings that these places radiate, I seek the essence of a scene; the part that can’t be captured in a photograph. I hope that with these works each and every viewer will make their own connections.

Growing up in a small farming community in Northern Alberta, Kendel has always found a strong connection with the land. She finds inspiration in the colours and textures that nature provides. Her pieces have primarily been created using acrylic or charcoal, however she has recently discovered the expansive world of painting with oils. Over the years Kendel has moved around Alberta, gathering bits and pieces of inspiration along the way. However, it wasn’t until she moved to the foothills and immersed herself in western culture, that she truly felt at home in her style. Looking at the evolution of her work you’ll see her progression artistically in technique and theme. Through it all, you’ll see her true love of the West that she shares with her collectors – visible in the softness of every brush stroke.    


Date:November 9th, 2024  -  January 11th, 2025

Location:Casa - Passage Gallery

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Turquoise blue guide of the Casa Winter Program Guide with a winter landscape and two penguins.

Casa Program Guide

The Casa Program Guide is produced three times a year; Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall. Inside the guide find listings for the upcoming class and workshop schedule, upcoming exhibitions at The Gallery, information about artists in residence and seasonal events in the building. Program guides are free. Pick-up guides at Casa or at facilities throughout the city.