AP – Intro to Watercolour

Feel intimidated by painting yet long to play with colour? Any fears of painting will be calmed with step-by-step guidance through numerous techniques and textures. Restore your confidence while learning the basics of this popular medium. At the end of six- weeks,...

Intro to Collage

Get creative with collage! Choose from a variety of materials to create intriguing juxtapositions with found images. This playful medium allows you to build a narrative using pictures, words, silhouettes, and coloured paper, dependent on a composition that can be...

Intro to Drawing

Be guided to understand the fundamental practice of drawing using essential materials: newsprint, rag paper, pencil, and charcoal. Students will learn about perspective, value, mark making, contour, contrast, negative space, and more while working from still life and...

Felt Ornaments – Section 1

Traditional or unconventional, come enjoy an evening of felt ornament making. Learn to hand sew and embroider stuffed felt ornaments from start to finish. This workshop is a great opportunity to create a handmade gift, pick up a new skill, and express your...

Intro to Printmaking: Intaglio – Section 1

Printmaking is the art of multiples! Each section offers a different printmaking technique for you to explore. Students will learn different techniques including drypoint and aquatint to create highly detailed prints. Experiment with different surfaces and learn how...