Chromatic Marrow – Saturna Bueckert

Chromatic Marrow – Saturna Bueckert
Chromatic Marrow – Saturna Bueckert
I’ve always been drawn to and had a love for painting as a medium. As a child, this started as simply enjoying the sensory elements of smelling fresh paint and the tactile pleasure of spreading colour on a canvas- which, over the years, has become refined into using paint to express imagery that experiments with memory, emotion, and colour. My artwork, primarily in acrylic or oil paint, is inspired by the interplay between the external human form and internal consciousness. I strive to express and explore the complexities of the human experience through the examination of the mundane or ubiquitous object. The use of colour in my artwork plays an important role in allowing me to express my inspirations of nostalgic fantasy- as we look back on our happy memories, they seem brighter and more saturated in colour- something I strive to capture in their reproduction. My oil painting Flower Power is an examination of the role that my childhood iMac played in shaping the hobbies and interests that are integral to my identity today. This old computer holds a lot of memories, as it opened avenues of creativity and exploration for me from a young age. This computer, which served as a home computer for my whole family, kickstarted my passion for videogames, music, and music production that allowed me to express myself. Tabletop, Treetop is based on an abstract still-life painting that my parents created together in 1995- a painting that hung in all my childhood bedrooms throughout the years. Although it was meant to be a still-life, to me, it had always resembled a forest. A dense, colourful, and distant forest- one placed atop a table with a giant flower vase. I would stare at this work so much that I had dreams of falling inside. I recreated it, but with my own perspective on how it lives and breathes as something else: a tabletop forest.
I am an acrylic & oil paint artist from Cranbrook, British Columbia. My work explores the interaction of identity and nostalgia through the creation of simple subjects with a focus on vivid colour. I am a graduate from the University of Lethbridge, majoring in Art and Education.
My experience in my art practice so far has led me to earning the 2022 award in Excellence in Painting from the Faculty of Fine arts at the University of Lethbridge, as well as a showing of four of my pieces at the Penny Gallery in 2022 in a student art show entitled “Life After”. I have taught as a substitute in the Arts across the Lethbridge school district in grades K-12. This has allowed me to teach creativity to others while exploring my own.
Date:June 15th, 2024 - August 24th, 2024
Location:Casa - Passage Gallery