Dream Language – Jennessa Bates

Dream Language – Jennessa Bates

Dream Language – Jennessa Bates

I was surrounded by brick-like townhouses, cobblestone roads, and a dark blue night sky. My body was covered in a pink salmon robe. In front of me was a fleshy featherless chicken with a balloon tied to her leg. She was the witch that had transformed into another form. She told me that she and the others were ready to move on, but they needed my help. Balloons of different colours were being produced by the warm yellow glow of streetlamps. Some streetlamps had one or two heads. I picked up the witch and together we started to fly, grabbing the strings of balloons to create a chaotic bouquet. We flew high in the sky to release the balloons into a milky white portal. We slowly floated down back to earth.

I have painted a scene of this dream and created a sculpture of the featherless chicken. Revisiting this dream, I decided it was time to create an installation. I see personal meaning in the balloon and chicken figure. I see the balloon as a vessel to guide the dead to the afterlife, while the witch is the acceptance of grief and a reminder to find healing. I had this dream while in high school, around the time my father passed away. I see a connection between my dream and my waking life. This dream is evidence that my subconscious is inviting me to revisit grief and to heal.

Jennessa Bates is a Canadian artist from Alberta, in Treaty 7 Territory. She is currently in her final year of a BFA – Art (Art Studio) degree program at the University of Lethbridge. Her art practice is inspired by dreams and their connection to emotions, mental health, and memories. Working primarily in sculpture and installation, she experiments with materials such as found objects, textiles, various clays, light, and colour. Her artwork has been displayed in The Niche Gallery at the University of Lethbridge (2022), and she was selected to exhibit new work at Platform: Student Showcase at Casa, Lethbridge.

Date:June 15th, 2024  -  August 24th, 2024

Location:Casa - Platform

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Casa Program Guide

The Casa Program Guide is produced three times a year; Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall. Inside the guide find listings for the upcoming class and workshop schedule, upcoming exhibitions at The Gallery, information about artists in residence and seasonal events in the building. Program guides are free. Pick-up guides at Casa or at facilities throughout the city.