Durch Mein Fenster – Susie Thursby

Durch Mein Fenster – Susie Thursby

Durch Mein Fenster – Susie Thursby

” Become a beginner at something” – Chip Cooley – Author

That’s just what I did, not quite 7 years ago. Never was very sure of the outcome.  I’ve spent my entire life to date in the role of a people-pleaser. I wanted my art to please, but instead, learned a lesson quickly.   I’m the only one that needs to be pleased, as I am the creator.  Public perception belongs to each and every viewer, as an individual free thinker.

Never a painter that pre-plans each new piece. Instead, I go to my paint kit, select the colours that speak to me in the moment, and wait for the evolution.  My pieces are expressions of myself and my inner emotions, constantly introducing and adding new techniques and mediums. With the privilege of being able to show my work in a public setting, I invite the visitors to my show to let my work speak to their individual thoughts and emotions.  Welcome to “THROUGH MY WINDOW”.

Susie Thursby is a self-taught Artist, and started her path to creative sharing 7 years ago through painting.  Creativity being her main focus, she explores a wide variety of visual themes and mediums. Art for Susie acts as a form of peace & self-exploration, and provides a feeling of accomplishment by bringing in creative energy.  With acrylics being the primary medium, Susie loves to experiment with texture along with other mediums. Her choices most recently have included ink markers, modeling paste, and both oil and chalk pastels.

She holds steadfast to her interest in the upcycle movement, hence very seldom purchases a new canvas. Framing her own pieces is done in the same manner, through thrift stores and online purchases.  Susie has participated in a few gallery presentations, including a solo show in the Strathmore library gallery, and a recent pop-up show in SE Calgary. Susie has also been a presenter at Casa in 2023, and participated in the exhibition “Making it Big” which included pieces by 50 local artists.  Working toward this next phase in her career, Susie is excited to be welcomed again within the halls of Casa.

Date:June 15th, 2024  -  August 24th, 2024

Location:Casa - Concourse Gallery

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Turquoise blue guide of the Casa Winter Program Guide with a winter landscape and two penguins.

Casa Program Guide

The Casa Program Guide is produced three times a year; Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall. Inside the guide find listings for the upcoming class and workshop schedule, upcoming exhibitions at The Gallery, information about artists in residence and seasonal events in the building. Program guides are free. Pick-up guides at Casa or at facilities throughout the city.