Ikaitapiitsinikssin (Stories of our ancestors)

Ikaitapiitsinikssin (Stories of our ancestors)

Ikaitapiitsinikssin (Stories of our ancestors) – Bryce Many Fingers / Singer (Mano’taanikaapi)

Exhibition Opening November 12, 7pm – 9pm  

Ikaitapiisinikssin (Stories of our Ancestors) showcases traditional Blackfoot stories told through intricate drawings of iconic moments. Traditionally, winter was a time when stories were shared among the winter camps of the Blackfoot. These stories carry with them history, morals and connection to the land which contribute to the Blackfoot identity. The stories of our ancestors are still being shared and preserved for future generations.

Bryce Many Fingers / Singer (Mano’taanikaapi) is an artist and member from the Blood Tribe (Kainai) in Southern Alberta. Bryce’s mixed media art aims to build an understanding of Niitsitapi culture and history, as well as a relationship to the land. His graphic style is influenced by Blood Artist Gerald Tail Feathers “Iitsiki’tsaawaawahka (Walks up high)”, and he also takes inspiration from literary works such as, My People, The Bloods by Mike Mountain Horse, and The Ways of My Grandmothers by Beverly Hungry Wolf. Bryce has had work commissioned for both the Southern Alberta Art Gallery and the Galt Museum.

Date:November 12th, 2022  -  January 14th, 2023

Location:Casa - Saokitapi Gallery

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Image of the cover of the Call Fall Program guide 2024 that is purple with watercolour pumpkins

Casa Program Guide

The Casa Program Guide is produced three times a year; Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall. Inside the guide find listings for the upcoming class and workshop schedule, upcoming exhibitions at The Gallery, information about artists in residence and seasonal events in the building. Program guides are free. Pick-up guides at Casa or at facilities throughout the city.