
Exhibition Opening September 10, 7pm – 9pm
Materialize:Mood – Nicole Riedmueller
Materialize: Mood is an exploration of quilting as a feminist language, mothering, and the ubiquity of under-acknowledged care work. It assembles ceramic and textile artwork to convey my grappling with ambiguous identities, musings on allegorical symbols of invisible labour, a contemplative space for intuitive voice, and an examination of the intersections between art and craft.
I engage material processes as a means of coping with and making sense of my overlapping identities of artist, mother, person, woman, and human being in a confounding world. My curiosity and research spur my impulse to handle materials and to think and feel through their handling. I use the processes of patching, piecing together, mending, and picking apart to suggest collecting information, acts of investigation and the inner practice of unravelling and combing through the complexities of self. In this way, my ceramic work embodies the idea of quilting in the expanded field, while my textile studies are an inquiry into deskilling and re-imagining her-stories.
Nicole Riedmueller is an artist and educator based in Treaty 7 Territory, Lethbridge Alberta. She maintains a studio practice in solitude, researching and reading to humbly and nimbly respond to the rapidly shifting challenges of our modern lives. In 2021, her work was featured in the exhibition The Personal Universal: A Celebration of Women’s Contribution to Ceramics.
Riedmueller holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (2000) from the Nova Scotia University of Art and Design, a Bachelor of Education with a major in Fine Arts (2017) from the University of Lethbridge and a Master of Fine Arts (2020) from the University of Lethbridge. She has attended artist residencies in Denmark and Alberta and has been the recipient of a Canada Council Project Award for Fine Craft.
Date:September 10th, 2022 - October 30th, 2022
Location:Casa - Main Gallery