Niitoyis (Home) – Naatsikapamatoosin Two Smudge (Matthew Provost)

Niitoyis (Home) – Naatsikapamatoosin Two Smudge (Matthew Provost)

Niitoyis (Home) – Naatsikapamatoosin Two Smudge (Matthew Provost)

Finding ways to integrate the feeling of home into Matthew’s work is a key component. Growing up in Piikani, Southern Alberta Matthew took notice of Niitoyis (Lodges) from cultural events and ceremonies. Now later in life these memories have come full circle, cultural teachings and Blackfoot ways of knowing

have influenced his work. Matthew now dedicates his work to relearning Niitsitapi ways while drawing on contemporary forms of design to merge his practice with experience.

Naatsikapamatoosin Two Smudge – Matthew Provost, is a Siksikaitsitapii (Blackfoot) designer and visual artist from the Piikani Nation based currently in Vancouver, BC. Matthew Provost continues to utilize research as a component of design to recreate contemporary elements of Niitoyis – Blackfoot Lodges. His practice is broad and encompasses varying elements of design which he includes in garment construction, beadwork, and printwork. Matthew has created designs for Crack Gallery, and Beadwork for Better Gift Shop™, Toronto, Balansa Sound Shop, Busan, South Korea, and Nepenthes, New York. He is an emerging designer and has showcased collections in Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week, and Santa Fe throughout 2023 and 2024.

Date:September 7th, 2024  -  October 26th, 2024

Location:Casa - Saokitapi Gallery

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Image of the cover of the Call Fall Program guide 2024 that is purple with watercolour pumpkins

Casa Program Guide

The Casa Program Guide is produced three times a year; Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall. Inside the guide find listings for the upcoming class and workshop schedule, upcoming exhibitions at The Gallery, information about artists in residence and seasonal events in the building. Program guides are free. Pick-up guides at Casa or at facilities throughout the city.