Paapaitapiksi (Dream Beings) – Áísínai’pi Stamiksiipokai

Paapaitapiksi (Dream Beings) – Áísínai’pi Stamiksiipokai

Paapaitapiksi (Dream Beings) – Áísínai’pi Stamiksiipokai (Candace Gladue-Bullchild)

Almost always, I dream in colour, when I awake, I remember vivid details from my visit to the dream world. Narcisse Blood/Tatsikiistamik states that the life of Niitsitapiiks requires a deep spiritual connection to Kitaoowahsinnoon, which translates to “the place where we get our food and water.” Kitaoowahsinnoon is ultimately a gift from Ihtsipaitapiiyo’pa/Sacred Spirit, Power, Force, and Source of Life. These gifts often come to us in dreams. The imagery in my collection offers a glimpse into my personal dreams. As a Niitsitapi, I believe that Paapaitapiksi visit me in vivid/lucid dreams, sending messages from the spiritual realm. Sometimes, I dream of sacred Blackfoot symbols, which I bring to life through different artistic mediums gifted to me by Ihtsipaitapiiyo’pa.

Áísínai’pi (Writing On Stone/ It is pictured) is a multidisciplinary artist and public speaker residing in Treaty 7, Lethbridge, Alberta. She is Woodland Cree ᐅᐸᓯᑯᓂᐍᐤ on her Father’s side (Wabasca, AB) and Kainai ᖿᐟᖻᐟ on her Mother’s (Moses lake, AB). Her Blackfoot name was given to her by the late Andy Blackwater/Aa tso towa. Áísínai’pi is a first-generation post-secondary graduate (2018, MacEwan University) with the ambitious goal of completing more schooling at the University of Lethbridge (BA/Indigenous Education). Áísínai’pi grew up in different foster homes before being placed with her family on an acreage north of Edmonton, AB. While in care, she attended Innipooka/Buffalo Child, a Blackfoot cultural group for foster families caring for displaced Kainai children in the Edmonton, AB, area. Áísínai’pi is grateful for the Kaaahsinnooniksi/Our Grandparents/Elders and all the Niitsitapi presenters, facilitators, and staff involved with Innipoka, who all provided the space to learn Kiipaitapiiyssinnooni/Our Blackfoot Way of Life. She continues to be involved in Innipooka for all the foster children who attend this important program. In December 2023, Áísínai’pi was empowered to return to her ancestors’ territory, where she continues to gain a deep sense of who she is as a Kainaiaakii/Kainai woman. Áísínai’pi uses her knowledge, experiences, voice, dreams, and culture to express herself with her artistic abilities.


Date:November 10th, 2023  -  January 13th, 2024

Location:Casa - Saokitapi Gallery

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Casa Program Guide

The Casa Program Guide is produced three times a year; Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall. Inside the guide find listings for the upcoming class and workshop schedule, upcoming exhibitions at The Gallery, information about artists in residence and seasonal events in the building. Program guides are free. Pick-up guides at Casa or at facilities throughout the city.