Postcards from the Imagination – Deb Middleton-Hope

Postcards from the Imagination – Deb Middleton-Hope
Postcards from the Imagination – Deb Middleton-Hope
I am a storyteller and being a storyteller means you must be curious. Being curious sparks your imagination, then your imagination fires up your creative juices, igniting a plethora of ideas and before you know it, your story has drawings, paintings and 3D sculptures.
Being an artist is hard work. Many hours were spent learning, experimenting, and failing as I massaged this project into reality for the CASA gallery 2024. A daily sketchbook practice helped me unearth the magic of my own artistic style of travelling into the deep, deep chasms of my imagination and liberating my love of storytelling, the true “why” of my creative endeavors.
“Postcards From the Imagination” exhibits my artistic process of creating the story, drawing the conceptual art, and sculpting the characters. All four stories are based on my life experiences and are an expression of my authentic self.
I invite you into my imaginary world and I hope you find the magic that brings me joy!
My art journey began to take priority over life’s other distractions in my mid-sixties. After a 30 year career in Law Enforcement, raising a family and travelling overseas for three years, I began to focus on the things that fulfilled my day instead of just filling my day. I have four children, and seven grandchildren, who give me plenty of material to fill my sketchbook.
I would like to thank Lynn Wilson, of Airloom Framing for her commitment to the unique framing requests, plus family and friends whose love and encouragement made this project possible.
Date:November 9th, 2024 - January 11th, 2025
Location:Casa - Concourse Gallery