The Chinook Woodturning Guild present Andrew Glazebrook

Portrait of Andrew Glazebrook and his work

The Chinook Woodturning Guild present Andrew Glazebrook

Andrew Glazebrook is an Alberta artist who is inspired by craftsmanship of any kind. He is a maker of beautiful wood objects which others can see, use, touch, feel and cherish.

Join Andrew for an entertaining and informative woodturning demonstration

Saturday, May 27, 2023,  9am – 4pm.

Location:  Casa building,  230  8th St. South,  Lethbridge,  Alberta


Registration: $60, includes lunch

(Non-members $80) (18 and under $30)


Full day hands-on workshop with Andrew Glazebrook Sunday, 28 May, 9:30 – 4pm in Dan Michener’s workshop, Picture Butte

Registration open to all skill levels; $175 ($190 for non-members) lunch included.

This workshop is limited in size to allow personal instruction. Register early to be sure you get in.

For information and registration contact:

Dan Michener, 403-331-9177

Terry Beaton, 403-308-4552

Steve Munroe, 403-331-7506


For more events at Casa check out the Events page here

Date:May 27th, 2023

Time:9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Fee:$60 for members; $80 for non-members; $30 for 18 and Under


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Turquoise blue guide of the Casa Winter Program Guide with a winter landscape and two penguins.

Casa Program Guide

The Casa Program Guide is produced three times a year; Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall. Inside the guide find listings for the upcoming class and workshop schedule, upcoming exhibitions at The Gallery, information about artists in residence and seasonal events in the building. Program guides are free. Pick-up guides at Casa or at facilities throughout the city.