Upcycle Worx – Susie Thursby

Upcycle Worx – Susie Thursby
Upcycle Worx – Susie Thursby
“Find your sense of purpose, add a heaping helping of colour, Share!”
Amateur Artist, Susie Thursby, is an Alberta born and raised gal. She was surrounded by music and art, all of her growing up years. She sat and listened to her Opa after Sunday dinner play his violin, and picked candied almonds and bits of icing, from his award-winning pieces of culinary art. Her father often sat at the kitchen table, with his watercolours and paper, and she remembers watching him in awe, wondering if she would ever do the same.
A quilter, a seamstress, a cake decorator, a floral designer, a knitter, a crocheter, a doodler, and a florist – the list goes on. Susie tried it all, but never really found her niche.
Susie always thought that being an artist was strictly for trained professionals, and with no formal training, she lacked confidence to even give painting a try, and had no hope of matching the abilities that other family members were blessed with.
In 2017, after an injury to her right shoulder, followed by surgery which left her right arm immobile for a few months, boredom set in. Being ambidextrous and knowing that her left hand performed the more artistic tasks – like using scissors, a sewing needle, using the knives in the kitchen – Susie set off to the Dollar Store with a mission, returning with canvas, paint, and brush in hand.
Starting out as a hobby, Susie found herself creating almost daily, and felt like she finally found her niche. As a self-taught artist, Susie has aspired to share her work with others, both as a reminder to dream big, and as encouragement to “not just think it, do it!”
She continues to try new mediums and brush techniques, sometimes celebrating success, and other times to learn from the less than best expected outcomes.
Another of Thursby’s passions is to upcycle as much as possible by purchasing or scavenging for discarded or unwanted items from online markets and garage sales. She paints over large pieces found in thrift stores, and has used a very large clock to frame one of her pieces.
Susie is inspired by bright colours, often with intricate line work, the addition of oil pastels, modeling compounds for texture – it’s always a work in progress. A touch of abstract, a bit of surrealism, and a constant change of subject matter keeps this artist on her toes, as each finished piece includes allowing her imagination to guide the brush.
Susie does not intend, nor expect, to get rich from her craft, although she does welcome any sale that may come her way. Her only hope is that, when her time on this planet comes to an end, she may have left inspiration, encouragement, and confidence in others to make their dreams happen!
Date:February 10th, 2023 - March 25th, 2023
Location:Main Floor Showcase