Niche – Louise Cameron
Niche – Louise Cameron
Niche – Louise Cameron
How do we explore our world?
How do we shift through the multitude of possibilities available and grasp the one we need?
We have a complementary relationship with the world. We shape our environments and they shape us, making our niche, filled with living and non-living aspects that invite us to explore.
The series of booklets describe how the inks used in the artwork were made, and the variations that can be achieved with a single ink. Alongside are the physical materials used to produce the inks. The inks used in the piece were made from elderberries, goldenrod flowers, cottonwood leaves, copper, charcoal, chalk, acorns, oak galls, mountain ash leaves, lamb’s ear, and rosehips gathered in Lethbridge and Calgary.
My work draws on the idea of creating empathy through shared experiences. Moments of shared experiences are important to help maintain our connections. This works looks at creating connection by highlighting our shared environments to encourage new discoveries in a familiar place because with all the barriers in our current lives, it can be easy to lose synch.
The philosopher, John Dewey believes that the process of art doesn’t stop with the artist but is shared responsibility with the viewer. The viewer is needed to engage with the artwork, and the ideas presented within. How can I invite you into the process? Can I create an imagined space where you suspend your disbelief -your current worries, your to-do list, your thoughts of the future- to allow you a chance to let down barriers and ask questions.
I find myself trying to understand a similar problem with scientific research. How can we invite people into a shared knowledge and create insights? I recently finished studying psychology and art at the University of Lethbridge so I have a strong interest in where these two disciplines intersect. How is our behaviour embedded in our environment and what does this look like?
Louise Cameron is a recent graduate from the University of Lethbridge with a bachelors degree in psychology and art. She works in mix media: involving drawing, painting and soft sculpture with a variety of materials. Her current focus in art is examining our relationships to our environments and behavioural research in psychology by creating spaces that encourage explorations.
Date:April 16th, 2022 - June 4th, 2022
Location:Casa - Student Showcase