
Adult: Textiles

16 and up / Adult

Intermediate Sewing

Choose your own patterns and fabric while learning the fundamentals of reading patterns and constructing clothing. Whether you have sewn with us before or are looking to expand your skill set, this class is for those with a bit of experience looking to branch out. Students must be able to run a sewing machine and […]

Date:September 19th, 2024  -  October 24th, 2024

Time:6:30 pm


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Adult: Drawing & Painting

16 and up / Adult

AP – Intro to Watercolour

Feel intimidated by painting yet long to play with colour? Any fears of painting will be calmed with step-by-step guidance through numerous techniques and textures. Restore your confidence while learning the basics of this popular medium. At the end of six- weeks, take home completed paintings and a new set of skills. A list of […]

Date:September 19th, 2024  -  October 24th, 2024

Time:7:00 pm


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Adult: Drawing & Painting

16 and up / Adult

AP – Acrylic Folk-Painting: Fall Florals – Section 1

Come learn the basics of acrylic folk-painting in these one-time workshops and take home a beautiful piece of finished artwork for your home! Learn about value, light and shadow, colour blending, transition, and mixing. Colour theory and how colour affects the mood of a painting will be explored. Beginners welcome! Materials provided.

Date:September 20th, 2024  -  September 20th, 2024

Time:6:30 pm


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Adult: Printmaking & Photography

16 and up / Adult

AP – Digital Photography

Get to know your digital camera! Explore photographic techniques to compose better pictures, build confidence, and learn how to effectively use manual settings. Short presentations and hands-on exercises will allow students to experiment and learn different techniques. Participants bring and use their own digital cameras (DSLR or rangefinder). A camera manual, tripod and laptop are […]

Date:September 21st, 2024  -  September 22nd, 2024

Time:10:15 am


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Adult: Clay

16 and up / Adult

AP – Working Flat: Tile Construction

This class will introduce tile making through slab building with the slab roller, with a focus on surface treatment, mark making, and technical stability. Experiment with shape, size, and surface engagement to challenge traditional decorative tile aesthetics. Learn how to connect your tiles formally and conceptually, while creating beautiful, unique surfaces through carving, sgraffito, and […]

Date:September 21st, 2024  -  October 19th, 2024

Time:2:00 pm


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Adult: Clay

16 and up / Adult

Sweetheart Mugs – Section 1

Love, like a ceramic mug, is surprisingly hearty, takes some elbow grease to get just right, and is best when filled with warmth. Come learn how to make mugs with your sweetheart – romantic or platonic – in this one-night workshop: shaping, glazing, and kiln-firing included! Materials provided. Mugs will be available for pick-up three […]

Date:September 21st, 2024  -  September 21st, 2024

Time:6:00 pm


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Image of the cover of the Call Fall Program guide 2024 that is purple with watercolour pumpkins

Casa Program Guide

The Casa Program Guide is produced three times a year; Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall. Inside the guide find listings for the upcoming class and workshop schedule, upcoming exhibitions at The Gallery, information about artists in residence and seasonal events in the building. Program guides are free. Pick-up guides at Casa or at facilities throughout the city.